

On June 14, 2024, the Ceremony of awarding the Institutional Accreditation Certificate for the 2nd cycle according to HCERES standards (Abbreviation for High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education - French Republic) was held at University of Science and Technology – the University of Danang (UD). Four higher education institutions which were awarded the certificates include: Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, University of Science and Technology – The University of Danang, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology – Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City. This is the second time that 04 higher education institutions have met the quality standards of accreditation according to HCERES standards and been certified within 5 years (2024 - 2029). This event is an important milestone in improving the reputation and quality of higher education institutions, and also opening up broad international cooperation opportunities.

Attending the Certificate Awarding Ceremony were: Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Minh Son - Deputy Minister of Education and Training;  Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Quoc Khanh - Deputy Director of Vietnam Education Quality Management Agency, Ministry of Education and Training; Dr. Pierre Courtellemont - Deputy Director of European and International Department, HCERES; Ms. Michelle Houppe and Ms. Amélie Bensimon - In charge of the European and International Department, HCERES; Mr. Denis Fourmeau - Attaché for Scientific and University Cooperation of the French Embassy in Vietnam; Mr. Thibaut Skrzypek - Representative of PFIEV University Consortium in Vietnam; leaders of units under the Ministry of Education and Training, representatives of leaders and staff of 04 higher education institutions awarded certificates, businesses, and press agencies.

On the side of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, there was: Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Tung - Principal; Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Xuan Anh - Vice Rector; Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Giang - Vice Rector; together with representatives of leaders and staff of relevant departments and divisions.

Panorama of the Ceremony

This is the second time that 04 higher education institutions have met the quality standards of higher education institutions according to European standards HCERES and been certified within 5 years (2024 - 2029). This event is an important milestone in improving the reputation and quality of higher education institutions, and also opening up broad international cooperation opportunities.

The four higher education institutions have had a process of persistent striving; and they always take the quality of training and scientific research as the top goals in all activities. The Certificate from HCERES is recognition of full and strict compliance with international education quality standards including strategic and operational management; Policy on research, innovation and bringing science to life; Policy on education, learners and environment. This demonstrates the commitment of 04 higher education institutions in providing a learning and research environment of the best standards.

Previously, in June 2017, the High Council for Evaluation of Research and  Higher Education (HCERES) of the French Republic assessed that Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, University of Science and Technology – The University of Danang, and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology – Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City met university accreditation standards with a validity of 05 years, from 2017 to 2022,  and then extended until the end of 2023.

After 05 years of preparing for re-accreditation, all 04 higher education institutions have prepared self-assessment reports according to the new set of standards of HCERES 2022 version including 03 fields, 17 standards, 122 criteria:

- Field 1: Strategic and operational management

- Field 2: Policy on research, innovation, and the inclusion of science in society

- Field 3: Education, student, and campus life policy

Mr. Denis Fourmeau - Attaché for Scientific and University Cooperation of the French Embassy in Vietnam awarded HCERES accreditation certificates to 04 higher education institutions

Speaking at the Ceremony, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son shared that today's success of 4 higher education institutions when they were granted accreditation certificates by HCERES started from the efforts of previous years when working together to build training programs and received support from the Governments of the two countries, as well as French universities.

“Receiving the Accreditation Certificate not only proves that higher education institutions have met standards in terms of administrative organization, learner support, scientific research and training activities, but is also a step to continue improving the quality and the executive management system, restructuring, improving the quality of learner support,... aiming to improve the quality of training effectiveness and social service", the Deputy Minister emphasized.

Associate Professor, PhD. Hoang Minh Son - Deputy Minister of Education and Training spoke at the Certificate Awarding Ceremony

Also at the Certificate Awarding Ceremony, Associate Professor, PhD. Hoang Tung - Principal of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering sent his thanks to the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training for their close attention and direction in the process of implementing the school's accreditation work. He also thanked the PFIEV Project Office, University of Science and Technology – The University of Danang, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology – Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, agencies, businesses and individuals for accompanying Hanoi University of Civil Engineering during the past time.

Associate Professor, PhD. Hoang Tung emphasized that the quality accreditation certificate from HCERES was not only an honor and pride for the staff and learners, but also a responsibility to society for ensuring the training quality of the School. At the same time, this is also the basis for the School to self-assess, and overcome difficulties to complete the strategic goals that the School has set in the near future.

Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Tung - Principal of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering spoke at the Ceremony

Deputy Minister Hoang Minh Son congratulated 04 higher education institutions on receiving HCERES accreditation certificates

Mr. Denis Fourmeau and Deputy Minister Hoang Minh Son congratulated Hanoi University of Civil Engineering

Educational quality accreditation according to international standards is considered a measure of the level of international integration of higher education institutions. Recognition of achieving the educational quality for higher education institutions in the 2nd cycle according to HCERES standards affirms that 04 higher education institutions (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, University of Science and Technology - UD, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City) are always committed and strive continuously to build a culture of quality in schools, constantly strive to improve the quality of teaching, research as well as other activities that contribute to training high-quality human resources for the country. This result not only affirms the prestige and academic reputation of higher education institutions domestically and regionally but also internationally, helping to increase opportunities to cooperate with foreign higher education institutions and attract students from foreign countries to study and research, moving towards internationalization of training programs. At the same time, it also demonstrates the commitment of higher education institutions to continue researching and implementing well the recommendations of international accreditation organizations.


HCERES was established by law No. 2013-660 dated July 22, 2013 on the basis of the French Agency for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (AERES) and inherited the activities of this agency. Hceres is an independent higher education quality assessment and accreditation organization tasked with evaluating higher education institutions, research organizations and training programs (https://www.hceres. fr/fr). HCERES is an official member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) in the European Higher Education System (EHEA). In addition to French training and research facilities, HCERES also participates in evaluating training and research facilities of EHEA countries. On average, HCERES annually evaluates and accredits 50 training facilities and research organizations; 630 research units; 600 university training programs; 300 master's training programs and 70 doctoral training programs. HCERES has also carried out international assessment and accreditation of foreign universities, French educational institutions abroad, and international joint research units.

HCERES' set of standards used to evaluate higher education and research institutions abroad includes 03 fields, 17 standards, 122 criteria (New version 2022):

- Field 1: Strategic and operational management

- Field 2: Policy on research, innovation, and the inclusion of science in society

- Field 3: Education, student, and campus life policy

Department of Communications and Admissions